Friday, June 15, 2012

what I thought about "the godfather"

Boy, what a wild ride.  I enjoyed this book immensely, although I did have to skim the sexy parts--especially the part where Sonny and Lucy sneak off during Connie's wedding.  Look, tell me about garrotings and beatings and shootings all you like, but don't be describing lurid sex acts!  It's indecent.  I'm a violent prude, that's the way I feel.

I've wanted to read this book for like a hundred years, but my understocked library doesn't have it.  They've got Omerta and some other Puzo stuff, but not this one.  So when I saw it at the D.I. for two bucks I jumped on that horse. 

A good read.  Glad I finally got it. 


  1. Ah yes, the eye-opening wedding sex scene. I read that book when I was 13 or so and, believe me, I didn't skim. In fact, that scene is all I remember.

    1. Ha, there are a few books I did that with too.
