Friday, March 23, 2012

what I thought about "ten little indians"

This is a collection of sad, funny, often beautiful short stories.  Sherman Alexie is a raw, honest, smart writer, and I need to stop forgetting that he exists when I have a hankering for Native American literature, which I sometimes do, and sometimes Tony Hillerman is not the right fit.  

My two favorite stories are "Do You Know Where I Am" and "What Ever Happened to Frank Snake Church?".  Lovely heartwarming/heartbreaking depictions of marriage, of loss, of betrayal, of resilience.  In "Frank Snake Church" there is an almost throwaway description of a girl who works in the admissions office of a community college, and she is so real.  It's a great book.  Check it out.

Thoughts about Sherman Alexie and/or his writing?


  1. He gave the commencement address when I graduated college. He was funny. I remember thinking I should read something he wrote. That was...12 years ago.

  2. Have you read any Louise Erdrich? When she's good, she's very good.

  3. I haven't read him, but I will now with your recommendation. I second Jennifer about Louise Erdich. When she is good, I really enjoy her. Some of her books did not engage me, but no one is on their game all the time, or maybe it was me and where I was at the time in my head.

  4. Tori, I am jealous of you. I can't even remember who gave our commencement address, but I bet it was a boring nobody.

    Tipsy and Beckster--I know I have read some of Louise Erdrich, but I can't remember what. Any titles in particular I should look up?

  5. Love Medicine was the first and the classic. A lot of her books are linked, but fairly haphazardly so you don't have to read one to "get" another. I loved Master Butcher's Singing Club. I can't remember if that's actually the title, but I think it is.

  6. Tipsy, I agree with your recommendations of Louise Erdich books. Master Butcher's Singing Club is definitely my favorite.
