Monday, June 25, 2012

what I thought about "true grit"

I loved this book!  It was fun.  The narration and dialogue themselves make the book a worthwhile read.  It's so refreshing to have a female protagonist upending gender stereotypes without being all, "I'M UPENDING GENDER STEREOTYPES!"  Mattie Ross is complicated and not always sympathetic, but she is delightful.  I'm going to read it to my kids if we ever finish The Eighty-Dollar Champion.


  1. Did you watch the Coen Brothers version of the movie?

    1. Yes. It was superior to the original in almost every way, but not in the delivery of the line, "Fill your hands, you son of a bitch!" My general feeling is that Jeff Bridges did fine--it's not like he embarrassed himself--but John Wayne was better.
